I found this video on YouTube while searching for propaganda techniques used to sell the Iraq war. I admired his point of view tremendously and thought him to be extremely smart. Even though at times his language is foul and he uses a few curse words I still think he was a very intellectual human being. He opened my eyes to the ignorance within most of us and I hope it has the same effect on you. How do you feel after watching this?
Giuditta,Daniel "Iraq.War.Propaganda." May 31, 2008. Online video clip. YouTube. Accessed on November 29, 2008
You will be amazed, as was I, to see this. This video had me nodding my head as I realized what they were saying was true and it worked in Bush's benefit. He sold the war mainly to middle class families, the dominating social class, by saying it was a nuclear war. This made it sound so much worse than it really was and it made it sound like it needed to be done. Watch this, you'll be shocked.
In 2005, the army launched its new "Army strong" campaign. These posters and commercials are shown numerous amount of times everywhere we go from magazines to newspapers. When you first look at the ad you see these soldiers as so much higher than you and it makes you ponder on actually joining the army and doing something that is "army strong." In these commercials (I will post a video clip later) they show the soldiers engaging in adventurous and exciting acts like jumping out of airplanes. Some commercials have young men and women telling their parents they found someone who can pay for their college. These commercials make the army seem like the best choice, which is what they are supposed to do. In the last slide it says "Help them find their strength," and then the Go Army logo followed by the voice of someone who seems very strong saying "There's strong. Then there's army strong." This, especially in guys, makes you think "I wanna be stronger than strong, AND get everything paid for." Very smart of the U.S. Army to come up with that.