Monday, December 1, 2008


This project is very overwhelming, it seems as if we have so much information that we do not even know what to do with it. Our project is about how the Bush administration communicated the Iraq war to the public and used propaganda to basically sell it to Americans and make them believe it was necessary. One of the main ways that was used for this was telling the people that it was a nuclear war. Off course this made the war sound scarier and made people feel like we needed to go there to get rid of the weapons of mass destruction and protect the American people. However, from all the information I have read it seems as if this was all a hoax, and after reading some blogs from other people, most of them do not even know why we are at war. This project is making me aware of the truth behind this pointless war. Overall, the GLIDES project is a great experience, it is preparing us for the future and giving us an example of how the business world is going to be. We are going to put together presentations for big corporations and this is a good preparation for us. It is going to be tough, but we're going to get it done, and it is going to be very well done.

1 comment:

TStok said...

I am glad that you are learning about how rhetoric can be a handy tool in the world. Do not become overwhelmed with all of the information. Systematically sift through it and only use what you think is important.